transforming qualitative information to quantitative data
On the contrary, quantitative data is the one that focuses on numbers and mathematical calculations and can be calculated and computed. Donohue, William A. Donohue, William A. In proposing a procedure for transforming qualitative data into quantitative results, we address the manifold requests for discovery-oriented research in the business disciplines. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. While less objective than quantitative data, it allows for a greater depth of understanding of respondents’ opinions and motivations. Coding as defined by Bryman (2012), ‘process whereby data are broken down into component parts, which are given names’ (p. 710) and Polit and Beck (2011), ‘process of transforming raw data into 59, January 2007, Available at SSRN: If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U.S. Eastern, Monday - Friday. Ein Plädoyer für den qualitativen Forschungsansatz, Marketing ZFP 2, 77–87. Create a list of top categories of information the survey or interview targeted across the top (Figure 2). We believe that exponential growth in unstructured data represents a vast new source of insight. In this chapter, a foundation is laid for understanding and engaging in data transformation as a mixed methods process. ), Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, Thousand Oaks, London, and New Delhi: Sage. The use of qualitative data has so far received relatively little attention in methodological discussions on qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). We present a systematic classification of combined qualitative-quantitative research designs and argue in favor of the generalization model. Commonly, quantitative data takes the form of numbers and statistics. Qualitative data is much more subjective, “soft” information than quantitative data. This page was processed by aws-apollo1 in 0.156 seconds, Using the URL or DOI link below will ensure access to this page indefinitely. Krippendorff, Klaus (1980), Content Analysis. By definition, such kind of information is NOT contained in qualitative data. Newman, Isadore and Carolyn R. Benz (1998), Qualitative-quantitative research methodology: exploring the interactive continuum, Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. We also raise quality issues and propose relevant quality criteria in the transformation process. It can be initiated through the examination of data regarding numbers of repeat customers, customer complaints, and the number of warranty claims over a given period. Posted: 19 Jul 2007. E.g. volume 59, pages29–57(2007)Cite this article. We present a systematic classification of combined qualitative-quantitative research designs and argue in favor of the generalization model. Qualitative data can be observed and recorded. An Introduction to its Methodology, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Quantitative data contains quantitative information. In this blog, you will read about the example, types, and analysis of qualitative data. Kukartz, Udo (1995), Case-oriented quantification, in Kelle, U. Qualitative data is defined as the data that approximates and characterizes. Srnka, Katharina J., Reinhard Grohs, and Ingeborg Eckler (2003), Increasing Fundraising Efficiency by Segmenting Donors, Australasian Marketing Journal 36, 80–86. To learn more, visit our Cookies page. A Handbook of Qualitative Methodologies for Mass Communication Research, London: Routledge. (ed. ways of gathering information that yield results that can’t easily be measured by or translated into numbers Zechmeister, Kathleen and Daniel Druckman (1973), Determinants of Resolving a Conflict of Interest: A Simulation of Political Decision-Making, Journal of Conflict Resolution 17, 63–88. Associate Professor of Organization and Planning, As she examines her data (videotapes and transcripts), she jots down notes concerning the interactions, generating hypotheses, suggesting relationships among categories of information she is examining and so on. (1995), Using qualitative comparative analysis to study configurations, in Kelle, U. See all articles by Katharina J. Auer-Srnka, School of Business, Economics and Statistics, This page was processed by aws-apollo1 in. Tomczak, Torsten (1992), Forschungsmethoden in der Marketingwissenschaft. In proposing a procedure for transforming qualitative data into quantitative results, we address the manifold requests for discovery-oriented research in the business disciplines. Creswell, John W. (1994), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, Thousand Oaks: Sage. Druckman, Daniel and Terrence Hopmann (2002), Content Analysis, in Kremenyuk, Victor A. Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. Transforming Qualitative Information shows how to sense themes, the first step in analyzing information as well as how to develop codes, through the use of numerous examples from myriad research settings. Weingart, Laurie R., Mara Olekalns, and Philip L. Smith (2004), Quantitative Coding of Negotiation Behavior, International Negotiation 9, 441–55. Thematic analysis - a process for encoding qualitative information - can be thought of as a bridge between the languages of qualitative and quantitative research. This paper presents a method utilized by the authors to convert and quantify qualitative data from open-ended survey questions into meaningful, quantitative statistics. Srnka, K.J., Koeszegi, S.T. Auer-Srnka, Katharina J. and Koeszegi, Sabine, From Words to Numbers: How to Transform Qualitative Data into Meaningful Quantitative Results. In this research, however, the goal is to meld the data together by transforming qualitative information into measurable data and examining possible relationships. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Analyzing qualitative data has two (2) essential steps: coding and content analysis. The data set was compiled from three sources. Trumbo, Craig W. (2004), Research Methods in Mass Communication Research: A Census of Eight Journals 19902000, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 81, 417–36. cost, season, advertising). Caracelli, Valerie J. and Leslie J.C. Riggin (1994), Mixed-method evaluation: Developing quality criteria through concept mapping, Evaluation Practice 15, 139–52. We give guidelines for its implementation and provide a blueprint for systematically converting respondents’ words into numbers that can be used for further (statistical) analyses. Schmalenbach Bus Rev 59, 29–57 (2007). Diamantopoulos, Adiamantios and Brian Mathews (1989), Factors Affecting the Nature and Effectiveness of Subjective Revision in Sales Forecasting: An Empirical Study, Managerial and Decision Economics 10, 51–59. Deshpande, Rohit (1983), “Paradigms Lost”: On Theory and Method in Research in Marketing, Journal of Marketing 47, 101–10. However, where the one deals with numbers and the other with words, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis are not opposites. Most mixed methods studies will include quantitative (numerical or other measurement) data as part of a data mix, and most quantitative data will invite statistical analyses. 72, A-1210, Vienna, Austria, You can also search for this author in Koeszegi, Sabine T., Katharina J. Srnka, and Eva-Maria Pesendorfer (2006), Electronic Negotiations — A Comparison of Different Support Systems, Die Betriebswirtschaft 66, 441–463. From Words to Numbers: How to Transform Qualitative Data into Meaningful Quantitative Results. : Palgrave Macmillan. Beginning with an introductory chapter that presents his views on ethnography, he explores the transformation process by breaking it down into three related activities: description, analysis, and interpretation. Quantitative research de Ruyter, Ko and Norbert Scholl (1998), Positioning qualitative market research: reflections from theory and practice, Qualitative Market Research 1, 7–14. ), Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis: Theory, Methods and practice, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 177–89. In general, quantitative data can only be transformed to qualitative data if there is a high correlation between the quantity and the quality. 0 Although different, they can be complementary of one another i.e., in mixed methods 2 Graf, Andrea, Sabine T. Koeszegi, Eva-Maria Pesendorfer, and Katharina J. Srnka (2005), Intercultural Negotiations in Interfirm Relationships: An International Study of Electronic Negotiation Behavior, unpublished manuscript, University of Vienna. We present a systematic classification of combined qualitative-quantitative research designs and argue in favor of the generalization model. if number of likes implied how good something is, you could compare number of likes to calculate quality. : Sage. (ed. For this article, we will not cover techniques that generate quantitative statistics from qualitative data. Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. Qualitative data is descriptive information about characteristics that are difficult to define or measure or cannot be expressed numerically.Quantitative data is numerical information that can be measured or counted.. Qualitative → Qualities. Denzin, Norman K. and Yvonna Lincoln (1998), Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials, Thousand Oaks: Sage. Both types of data bring out the best in each other, lessening ambiguity and providing greater meaning. Folger, Joseph P., Dean E. Hewes, and Marshall Scott Poole (1984), Coding Social Interaction, in Dervin, B. and M. Voight (eds. Qualitative data is information that cannot be counted, measured or easily expressed using numbers. Correspondence to Jones, Ian (1997), Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Sports Fan Research, The Qualitative Report 3, [Accession date: February 2004]. Brennan, Robert L. and Dale J. Prediger (1981), Coefficient Kappa: Some Uses, Misuses, and Alternatives, Educational and Psychological Measurement 41, 687–99. How to gather quantitative data. However, advanced analytics can now identify and classify this information and transform it into findings that lead to game-changing insights for organizations. This article addresses this lacuna by discussing the challenges researchers face when transforming qualitative data into quantitative data in QCA. ), Applying Qualitative Methods to Marketing Management Research, Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan, 141–56. ), Progress in Communication Sciences, 3, Norwood: Ablex, 115–61. Both methods have their successes and obstacles, and can be conducted independently of one another. Take a read of this article to know the difference between qualitative and quantitative data. The research reported here focuses on the main UK employers’ business survey for manufacturing – the CBI industrial trends survey. (1991). Rossman, Gretchen B. and Bruce L. Wilson (1985), Numbers and Words: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in a Single Large-Scale Evaluation Study, Evaluation Review 9. Transforming Quantitative Data to Qualitative Data. Qualitative data is descriptive and harder to measure compared to quantitative data. Hirschman, Elizabeth C. and Morris B. Holbrook (1992), Modern Consumer Research — The Study of Consumption as Text, Newbury Park, London, and New Delhi: Sage. The authors thank two anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback. Qualitative analysis is time consuming, but benefits from a considered, methodical approach. Benefits Of Presenting Qualitative & Quantitative Data Together. Sarah is a qualitative researcher studying how children and parents interact in Head Start Centers. A theoretical introduction to sociological methods, New York: McGraw-Hill. Keywords: qualitative and quantitative research, advantages, disadvantages, testing and assessment 1. This paper assesses different ways of converting qualitative data obtained in surveys into quantitative indices for a number of economic variables. Strauss, Anselm and Juliet Corbin (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques, Newbury Park: Sage. Associate Professor of Marketing, Lombard, Matthew, Jennifer Snyder-Duch, and Cheryl Campanella Bracken (2002), Content Analysis in Mass Communication: Assessment and Reporting of Intecoder Reliability, Journal of International Business Studies 36, 357–78. Quantitative data in CBPR relays information and values based on numerical counts, measurements, and statistical assessments. Quantitative → Quantities. PubMed Google Scholar. We present a systematic classification of combined qualitative-quantitative research designs and argue in favor of the generalization model. Lilford, Richard J. and David Braunholtz (2003), Reconciling the Quantitative and Qualitative Traditions — The Bayesian Approach, Public Money & Management 23, 203–08. Sale, Joanna E. M, Lynne H. Lohfeld, and Kevin Brazil (2002), Revisiting the Quantitative-Qualitative Debate: Implications for Mixed-Methods Research, Quality & Quantity 36, 43–53. Qualitative data can sometimes be changed into numbers, usually by counting the number of times specific things occur in the course of observations or interviews, or by assigning numbers or ratings to dimensions (e.g., importance, satisfaction, ease of use). Greene, Jennifer C. and Valerie J. Caracelli (1997), Advances in Mixed-Method Evaluation: The Challenges and Benefits of Integrating Diverse Paradigms: New directions for Evaluation, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Part of Springer Nature. In proposing a procedure for transforming qualitative data into quantitative results, we address the manifold requests for discovery-oriented research in the business disciplines. Creswell, John W. (2003), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 2nd Edition, Thousand Oaks, London, and New Delhi: Sage. ), Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis: Theory, Methods and Practice, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 158–76. In proposing a procedure for transforming qualitative data into quantitative results, we address the manifold requests for discovery-oriented research in the business disciplines. Miles (1998), Data Management and Analysis Methods, in Denzin, Norman and Y. S. Lincoln (eds. Miller, W.L. This data type is non-numerical in nature. In Transforming Qualitative Data, Harry F. Wolcott guides you through the process of completing your research study. Strauss, Anselm, R. Bucher, D. Ehrlich, and M. Sabschin (1964), Psychiatric ideologies and institutions, Glencoe: Free Press. Introduction Qualitative and quantitative research approaches and methods are usually found to be utilised rather frequently in different disciplines of education such as sociology, psychology, history, and so on.,, As we’ve already hinted, management reports must include both qualitative and quantitative data to successfully tell the story of how an organization is performing. Mertens, Donna M. (2005), Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity with Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage. Gibson, Christina M. and Greg J. Duncan (2002), Lessons Learned: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in the Study of the Family, unpublished manuscript, Duke University, Durham. in Kriegelmann, Mechthild (ed. Bowker, Natilene Irain (2001), Understanding Online Communities Through Multiple Methodologies Combined Under a Postmodern Research Endeavour, Forum Qualitative Social Research 2, [Accession date: June 2004]. Morgan, Gareth and Linda Smircich (1980), The Case for Qualitative Research, The Academy of Management Review 5, 491–500. The Green and Healthy Homes Initiative Davies, Brian (2003), The Role of Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Industrial Studies of Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research 5, 97–111. More often, for quantitative data collection, the researchers have a naturalistic observation approach that needs keen observation skills and senses for getting the numerical data about the “what” and not about “why” and ”how.” Naturalistic observation is used to collect both types of data; qualitative and quantitative. Buber, Renate, Johannes Gadner, and Lyn Richards (2004), Applying Qualitative Methods to Marketing Management Research, Houndmills et al., Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Once you have collected all your qualitative data, it's easy to be overwhelmed with the amount of content your methods have created. Jensen, Klaus Bruhn and Nicolas W. Jankowski (eds.) First-click tests – See where people click first when tasked with completing an action. ), Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks, 340–52. 59, January 2007, 30 Pages Mayring, Philipp (2001), Combination and Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Forum Qualitative Social Research 2, [Access date: May 2004]. Quantitative analysis of qualitative data “involves turning the data from words or images into numbers. Qualitative data, also referred to as unstructured data, includes “beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behaviors, and interactions.”2 Qualitative data provides insights into descriptive and Converting raw, open-ended data from large sample sizes into meaningful categories that the researcher can utilize to quantify the results presents the next challenge. Concerning the research ), International Negotiation: Analysis, Approaches, Issues, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 288–314. Miles, Matthew B. and A. Michael Huberman (1994), Qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook, Thousand Oaks: Sage. It is collected from text, audio and images and shared through data visualization tools, such as word clouds, concept maps, graph databases, timelines and infographics.. Qualitative data analysis tries to answer questions about what actions people take and what motivates them to take those actions. We built Pluribus Labs to be at the forefront of unlocking this potential by architecting a research platform that extracts value from qualitative information and turns that information into quantitative models. Laurent, Gilles (2000), Improving the external validity of marketing models: A plea for more qualitative input, International Journal of Research in Marketing 17, 177. Finally, we demonstrate in an exemplary study how the blueprint can be applied and highlight the benefits of the proposed research design. 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