cessna 340 range
Data from Plane & Pilot, Airliners.net, The Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage The aircraft has a maximum operating altitude of 30,000', a normal cruise speed of 232 KTS/267 MPH, and a 785 NM/903 SM seats-full range. II-II/SP-SII-Bravo • The Cessna 335 is an unpressurised, lighter weight and thus lower cost development of the 340. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 3. Work on the Cessna 340 began in 1969, building on the Cessna 310 to stretch the cabin to accommodate six people in comfort. This airplane seats up to 5 passengers, making it the perfect alternative for light-weight, private air travel. View Details. The 310 was the first twin engine model aircraft developed by Cessna after World War II. The empennage, however, is based on design features from the 310. Cessna 340 History & Specs. GC-1 • When you're used to making a step up on to the wing and then a dive into passenger and front seats, the airstair door on a cabin-class 340 can feel like quite a luxury. Die Cessna 335 bzw. The Cessna 340 is our Twin Engine Propeller aircraft with seating for 4 adults, and ample storage space. Modified for Flight Simulator X by RSDG. With a 500 NM/575 SM range, you have quick and easy access to Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, southern New England, NJ and PA. The 340 has the capacity for one crew member and five passengers. 350/400 • Cessna 300 and 400 Series Twin wing locker tanks. YH-41, Unfallbericht N2340C, Aviation Safety Network/Wikibase, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cessna_340&oldid=201532768, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Länge = 3,86 m, Breite = 1,18 m, Höhe = 1,24 m, 1827 km oder 986 NM mit 274 kg Nutzlast und maximalem Treibstoff, 2 luftgekühlte Sechszylinder-Boxermotoren, 24. The Cessna 340 produced by Cessna. Cessna 340A / 340A Flugzeuge zu verkaufen in der internationalen Flugzeugbörse He tested many of his planes before moving to Wichita, Kansas, due to bankers refusing to give him money to build more planes. [2], The 340 is a six-seat aircraft, with four passenger seats, an aisle and an airstair door. From learning to fly to flying your business, you’ll find your aircraft solution. The rate of climb is … Cessna was founded in 1927, but its history began before that when farmer Clyde Cessna built and flew his own aircraft in June 1911. The maximum speed is 244 knots (279 mph, 452 km/h) and the stall speed is 82 knots (94 mph, 153 km/h). : 1400 Fuel Type: … Read More "Cessna 340" Make us an... See More Details OCR Aviation is representing a beautiful Cessna 340. Privately owned and stored in a heated hangar, this beautiful 340 is … This 340 has the option of reducing its gross weight through a paper work modification to meet the requirements of the "Basic Med". 336 • [12] Cessna 335 erscheinen nicht in der Quelle. 303 • LOW TIME 3985 TT 45 SMOH on the left 1099 SMOH right. The Cessna 340 is a twin piston engine pressurized business aircraft that was manufactured by Cessna. 170 • UC-78 • CitationJet-CJ1(+)-CJ2(+)-CJ3-CJ4-M2 • 120/140 • Cessna 318 (US military designation T-37 Tweet, Cessna A-37 Dragonfly and YT-48) Cessna 319; Cessna 320 Skyknight; Cessna 321 (US military designation O-1C and OE-2) Cessna 325; Cessna 327; Cessna 330; Cessna 335; Cessna 336 Skymaster. Der Tankinhalt beträgt insgesamt 783 Liter, davon sind 768 Liter ausfliegbar.[7]. 182 • AT-17 • [4], Data from Plane & Pilot, Airliners.net, The Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage, Aircraft of comparable role, configuration, and era, Twin piston engine pressurized general aviation airplane, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cessna_340&oldid=948226059, 1970s United States civil utility aircraft, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 March 2020, at 20:56. The cabin measures 04'03" high, 04'07" wide, and 09'03" long. Hartzell Scimitar props 20 SMOH both. 210 • Range with reserves at economical cruising speed 2603km (1405nm), at max cruising speed 774km (418nm). If you are unfamiliar with the Cessna 340 and would like to know more about the cabin layout or dimensions, engine performance, operating weight, aircraft speed, and range please look to your left. Models prior to 1960 have the square dorsal fin, the swept style having been introduced in 1960. Die Cessna 340 wurde als freitragender Ganzmetall-Tiefdecker ausgelegt, bei dessen Konstruktion in erheblichem Umfang auf die Cessna 310 und 414 zurückgegriffen wurde. Mit der Entwicklung war bereits 1969 begonnen worden. Der Prototyp flog zum ersten Mal am 5. Die Produktion der Version Cessna 335 wurde 1980 nach nur 65 Exemplaren eingestellt. Cessna, for example, lists a variety of combinations, up to a maximum of six people, but with greatly reduced fuel load and range. The aircraft is fully pressurized with a very nice air-conditioned interior. Excel-XLS(+) • The Cessna 335 respectively Cessna 340 is a twin-engined six-seat light corporate aircraft with retractable landing gear produced by the US-American manufacturer Cessna Aircraft Company. Taking the tail and the landing gear from it’s sibling, it used the wings of the Cessna 414. The Cessna 340 was produced until 1984 with a total of 1,287 aircraft built. The 340 is a perfect step up to the cabin-class pressurized twin market. It's a great choice for increasing speed, altitude, and comfort. The aircraft has a maximum speed of 244 knots and can fly up to 29,800 feet. The 340 is definitely a high flyer, with a service ceiling of nearly 30,000 feet. Cessna’s line of Citation jets, Caravan turboprops and classic pistons dominate the sky. V-Ultra-Encore(+) • 1) In der Nutzlast ist hier auch die Besatzung enthalten. Die Cessna 340 kombinierte die Tragflächen und das Fahrwerk der Cessna 414 mit einem der Cessna 310 ähnlichen Heck und einem neuen Rumpf. Die mit nur 64 gebauten Exemplaren unerfolgreiche Cessna 335 ist nicht druckbelüftet. 320 • 348 • I interview Dave about his twin Cessna 340a and then we go take it up for a flight!Really love this channel and want to help it continue? Griggs Aircraft is the STC holder and manufacturer of the 18.5 Gallon Wing Locker Tanks, approved for installation on Cessna 310K through 310R, T310P, T310Q, T310R, 320D, 320E, 320F, 340, 340A, 401, 401A, 401B, 402, 402A, 402B, 411, 411A, 414, 421, 421A, 421B, and 421C. Cessna 340 Silver Eagle . Cessna then took the wings from the 414 and added them to this aircraft, making the 340 somewhat of a hybrid. Compare the fixed costs, variable cost, and performance of over 500 jets, turboprops, helicopters and piston aircraft, with accurate data from Conklin & de Decker. In der für vier Personen ausgelegten Passagierkabine stehen Einzelsitze mit verstellbaren Rückenlehnen zur Verfügung. [4] Ein zweiter Prototyp flog erstmals 1971. Cessna 340 A fast, pressurized cabin-class twin that’s an excellent step-up from a Although airplanes are often sold as business and transportation tools, the reality of ownership falls short of the ideal. Dezember 1978, die erste Serienmaschine am 13. Range with my 203 gallons usable is 800 miles (900 miles nautical at 55%). Der Treibstoff befindet sich in einem komplexen System aus acht Tanks: zum einen sechs Flügeltanks, zum anderen 386 Liter in den optisch auffallenden zwei Flügelspitzentanks, davon 378 Liter ausfliegbar. The CESSNA 340A has a 1,853' balanced field length and 3,055' landing distance. The Cessna 340 is our Twin Engine Propeller aircraft with seating for 4 adults, and ample storage space. [3] 425 • Über Unfälle von Cessna 335 im deutschsprachigen Raum liegen keine Informationen vor. LC-126 • The 340’s claimed single-engine rate of climb is 315 FPM, better than the 414 (290 FPM), Beech P58 Baron (270) and the Piper 601P (240) and 602P (302) Aerostars. Cessna 340 - Turbocharged Piston Twin The Cessna 340 is the most roomy charter aircraft we offer. Damage history but nice documented repairs. The empty weight is 3921 lb (1780 kg) and the maximum takeoff weight is 5990 lb (2719 kg). Great perfo... See More Details. Richard Hadden . 401 • Manufactured by Cessna, the Cessna 340 is a twin piston engine, pressurized business aircraft. 411 • The airplane, owned by a corporation, was being operated as a Part 91 business flight. [8], Zwei luftgekühlte Sechszylinder-Boxermotoren von Continental (Unterschiede: siehe Versionen) treiben dreiblättrige McCauley-Verstellpropeller an. The aircraft has a maximum operating altitude of 29,800', a normal cruise speed of 229 KTS/263 MPH, and a 312 NM/359 SM seats-full range. 414 • 407 • The Cessna 340/340A sits tall, and that alone gives many nervous passengers a feeling of "big airplane" safety. Features: The CESSNA 340A Ram VII, manufactured from 1972 - to present, requires a 1 person crew and can transport up to 5 passengers. August 1979. Cessna 340 Series. [2][3][4], Work on the 340 began in 1969, and the first aircraft was delivered in 1971, behind schedule because one of the prototypes crashed during flight testing in 1970. CESSNA 340 SPECIFICATIONS YEAR 1972-75 1976-84 RAM RAM MODEL 340 340A Series IV Series IV Price new, $000 183 252-442 Seating: 6 6 6 6 Cabin dimensions, ft.: Length: 12.7 … Model A • The Cessna 335 respectively Cessna 340 is a twin-engined six-seat light corporate aircraft with retractable landing gear produced by the US-American manufacturer Cessna Aircraft Company. Mustang • Cessna 340 Twin Engine Max range (NM): 1,400 Nautical Miles Seating Configuration: 4-5 Cruising Speed (KTS): 220 Average Hourly Rate for a Cessna 340 including fuel: $ 850 . Starting in 1976, the engines were upgraded to the more powerful Continental TSIO-520-NB engines of 310 hp (233 kW). The Cessna 340 is used for VIP travel and by small commercial and flight charter operations. The unsuccessful (only 64 aircraft) Cessna 335 is unpressurized. The Cessna 340 is equipped with a pressurized cabin. The Cessna 340 was produced from 1972-1984 and over 1,350 were built. 15. 190/195 • TSIO-520-NB Horsepower@altitude: 310 to 20,000 ft. [5], Nach 350 gebauten Exemplaren lief die Fertigung der Cessna 340 im Jahr 1976 aus, stattdessen wurde die verbesserte zweite Serienversion 340A produziert.[6]. Parallel zur Fertigung der 340A wurde im Jahr 1977 mit der Entwicklung einer Ausführung der 340A ohne Druckkabine begonnen, der „Model 335“. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the Cessna 340 here Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the Cessna 340 here We use cookies to help you get the best experience when using our website. With a ceiling of over 20,000 feet, this airplane allows the passengers to fly above the weather and take advantage of the cool, calm air. [2], Im Dezember 1971 gab Cessna die Einführung eines auf der Grundlage der Cessna 310 entwickelten „Model 340“ mit Druckkabine bekannt. It has a take-off and landing distance of 662 meters and 564 meters, respectively. 584.000 Euro), zuzüglich des damals geltenden Mehrwertsteuersatzes von 11 %, also insgesamt rund 756.000 DM (rund 387.000 Euro, bzw. Neben dem Reiseflugzeug existieren auch Ausführungen als Mess-, Foto-, Forschungs- und Ambulanzflugzeug. Cessna 340 Series. Cessna 340 ist ein zweimotoriges sechssitziges leichtes Geschäftsreiseflugzeug mit Einziehfahrwerk des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Cessna Aircraft Company. … Die Landeklappen werden elektrisch betätigt. 1984 CESSNA 340A $249,900 Get Financing as low as $1,147.64 a month* Reg# 921KA TT: 5453; Performance Specs. Deliveries began in 1971 with almost 1300 airframes produced before production ceased in 1984. The Cessna 340 is a six seat, pressurized cabin class piston twin developed by Cessna Aircraft company in 1969. Juli 2020 um 11:51 Uhr bearbeitet. LONG range 243 gallons. Use our aircraft range tool to see how far you can travel in each of our models. Im Jahr 1984 wurde die Produktion nach insgesamt 1363 gebauten Maschinen der Reihe Cessna 335/340 beendet. 1980 CESSNA 340A RAM IV. Cruise over 200 KIAS in cabin-class, pressurized comfort in this beautiful 1980 RAM IV 340A with Aspen, 650/340, ADS-B, spoilers, 550/275 SMOH, and much more! This particular airplane has gyro-smooth RAM engines and typical cruise for me is 30-32 inches of manifold pressure, 2300 rpm at 190-195 knots TAS, and we see about 17 gph per side ROP. 421 • [6] It was not a market success, with only 64 built by the time production ended in 1980. many desireable MODS to include de ice and VGs, High SB compliance Garmin 530 and 430 WAAS. Aviation Consumer Response - Cessna 340 Our organization, The Twin Cessna Flyer, has represented 340 owners since 1988. T-41 • The Cessna 340 is equipped with a pressurized cabin. This variant is known as the 340A and it also features smaller 75.5-inch (1,920 mm) diameter propellers to reduce noise and meet ICAO Annex 16 noise requirements. 162 • Stall speeds are 79 knots, clean, and 71 knots in landing configuration. Longitude • They either lack the range, the carrying capacity or the ability to deal with real-world weather, thus an airline or a charter outfit gets the call. The pilot, who was the only person on board, was killed. Sovereign • Single-engine minimum control speed is 82 knots. The Cessna 340 is still a very popular business aircraft and is used by companies world-wide. [1], Die ansonsten fast identische Cessna 335 besaß keine Druckkabine. 406 • This assumes 30 gallons reserve plus 18 gallons used extra in the taxi and climb. The RAM 340A can easily cruise at 200 knots at 20,000’ on 32gph, with a range of 1000nm! Charter CESSNA 340 at CharterHub.com. The Cessna 340/340A sits tall, and that alone gives many nervous passengers a feeling of "big airplane" safety. Base conversion price: $1.6 million price as tested: $1.785 million. 1978 Cessna 340A, This is the 340 you have been looking for. Der Unfall des Prototyps mit dem Luftfahrzeugkennzeichen N2340C im April 1970, bei dem der Testpilot ums Leben kam, verzögerte das Projekt erheblich. It has retractable landing gear and weather radar. Our Cessna 340 combines value and performance into one incredible package. Study Flashcards On Cessna 340 V-Speeds at Cram.com. Latitude • With a 500 NM/575 SM range, you have quick and easy access to Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, southern New England, NJ and PA. My Saved Listings Updated: Thu, Dec 10, 2020 09:47 AM. With six people, the fuel load must be reduced to some 112 … The aircraft is fully pressurized with a very nice air-conditioned interior. LONG range 243 gallons. Cessna 340 Info. Manufactured by Cessna, the Cessna 340 is a twin piston engine, pressurized business aircraft. XMC, T-50 • As far as ADs go, the 340 is neither the best nor the worst. MAKE OFFER! The empty weight is 3921 lb (1780 kg) and the maximum takeoff weight is 5990 lb (2719 kg). Cessna wanted to keep this aircraft in th… [2][4][5], The Cessna 335 was marketed as a low-priced, non-pressurized, version powered by 300 hp (225 kW) Continental TSIO-520-EB engines. The Cessna 340 was produced from 1972-1984 and over 1,350 were built. 177 • 340 • SPEC SHEET. L-19 • Das Bugradfahrwerk ist elektrisch einziehbar, verfügt über je ein Rad pro Fahrwerksbein und … Most listings associated with the Cessna 340 will include price and preliminary condition specifications. Cessna 340 Silver Eagle . Compare. It can climb at a rate of 1,650 feet per minute and has a travel range of 1,406 nautical miles. 165 • This AD was issued in response to cracks/failures that led to catastrophic fires. The Cessna 340 is still a very popular … Die Cessna 340 wurde als freitragender Ganzmetall-Tiefdecker ausgelegt, bei dessen Konstruktion in erheblichem Umfang auf die Cessna 310 und 414 zurückgegriffen wurde. Denali • 185 • 441, I-I/SP • Cessna’s line of Citation jets, Caravan turboprops and classic pistons dominate the sky. Aug 2, 2016 - Explore Aviation Broker's board "Cessna 340" on Pinterest. The Cessna 340 carries 5 passengers, has a cruise speed of 267 mph and a range of 1,618 miles. [4], The 340 was conceived as a cabin-class development of the successful Cessna 310. 160 • Die Cessna 340 ist ein sechssitziges, von zwei Kolbenmotoren angetriebenes Flugzeug des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Cessna mit Druckkabine. Pressurized, 5 seats based at CGF Airspeed: 200kts (230mph) Capacity: 5 Passengers plus pilot Unter anderem folgende Totalschäden von Cessna 340 wurden verzeichnet: Die Daten wurden den unten aufgeführten Quellen entnommen.[5][8][20][21][22]. The Cessna 340 carries 5 passengers, has a cruise speed of 267 mph and a range of 1,618 miles. 318 • Cruise: 230 mph (pressurized) Range: 920 miles Seating: Up to 5 passengers LOW TIME 3985 TT 15 SMOH on the left 1099 SMOH right side.... More Info. T-37 • 188 • See more ideas about cessna, aircraft, airplane for sale. 205/206 • Die Kabine ist über eine hinten links gelegene Tür zugänglich. Base conversion price: $1.6 million price as tested: $1.785 million. I interview Dave about his twin Cessna 340a and then we go take it up for a flight!Really love this channel and want to help it continue? 208 • The 340 has the capacity for one crew member and five passengers. Cessna 340. The 340 was a great airplane then and today, in 2010, it has never been a better value. Horsepower for takeoff: 310 TBO hrs. Advertisement Cessna 340 Used Price: $290,000 Engine make/model: Cont. Apply for Financing Operating Costs Get Insurance. It was one of the first pressurised light twins and was marketed as a business aircraft. Max gross weight for the airplane is 5990 pounds, giving it a power to weight ratio of 9.6 pounds per horsepower. Compare. T-47 • Powerplants | (2) 400-shp Rolls-Royce 250-B17F/2 Recommended TBO | 3,500 hr (hot section 1,750 hr) Propellers | Hartzell HC-B3TF-7A, 3 blade, 85 in dia Length | 34 ft 2 in Height | 12 ft 7 in Wingspan | 38 ft 1 in Wing area | 184 sq ft Wing loading | 34.18 lb/sq ft Crew: 1: Passengers: 5: Propulsion: 2 Piston Engines: Engine Model: Continental TSIO … 337 • [2][3], The Cessna 335 is an unpressurized version, which appears the same externally as the 340. The 340's primary selling feature was its spacious, pressurized cabin, the first in a light twin. NGP • Prices are depressed, it’s a buyers market and bargains abound. 404 • 310 • 172 • Allerdings verkaufte Cessna lediglich 65 Exemplare; die Produktion dieser Version endete bereits 1980. Although claimed by Cessna as the lowest priced cabin class business twin on the market, just 64 335s were built before production was terminated in 1980. [4], The early models have two turbocharged Continental TSIO-520-K engines with 285 hp (214 kW) each. [7] The tail and landing gear were based on the Cessna 310's units, while its wings were from the Cessna 414. Silver Eagle II Cessna 340 Twin Turbine The newest edition to the O&N Modification family is the Silver Eagle II Cessna 340 Twin Turbine! The CESSNA 340A Ram VII has a 1,853' balanced field length and 3,055' landing distance. The Cessna 340 at first glance looks an awful lot like the 310, despite the fuselage being five feet longer. 695.000 Euro inflationsbereinigt und mit 19 % MwSt.).[13]. Hemisphere, A-37 • When you're used to making a step up on to the wing and then a dive into passenger and front seats, the airstair door on a cabin-class 340 can feel like quite a luxury. 1977 CESSNA … The 340 Ram VI 335 hp engines burn 18.3 gallons at 65% power and 15.6 gallons at 55% power. SAVE Last Update: 12/16/2020. The Cessna 340 has a large, spacious pressurized cabin which was relatively unique for a light twin aircraft. Unsave Save. [3] It sold in fewer numbers than the 340. August 1978: Totalschaden der Cessna 340 mit dem. [9] Nach einer einzelnen anderen Quelle wurden lediglich 45 Exemplare produziert;[5] dies kann aber anhand der Fabriknummern aus verschiedenen anderen Quellen ausgeschlossen werden.[10]. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! 1978 Cessna 340A- N983JB. 408 • Januar 1977 ihren Erstflug, dem im März 1978 die Zulassung durch die FAA folgte. 402 • 180 • Add in a cruise speed of 245 KTS and a range of over 1300 miles and this pressurized aircraft is a perfect combination of functionality, efficiency, and safety! The 340 was more successful and remained in production until 1984 with 1287 built. The Cessna 340 Twin Engine Piston can be flown as a single pilot configuration, or with two pilots. But most owners wisely operate in the high teens to mid-20s, where the airplane can be expected to true You will travel in comfort in the spacious customized interior of these conversions while flying with some of the newest avionics in the industry. Das Bugradfahrwerk ist elektrisch einziehbar, verfügt über je ein Rad pro Fahrwerksbein und hydraulisch betätigte Bremsen am Hauptfahrwerk. From learning to fly to flying your business, you’ll find your aircraft solution. Der Verkaufspreis in Deutschland betrug im Jahr 1976 mit Instrumentenflug-Ausrüstung 681.000 DM (rund 348.000 Euro, inflationsbereinigt ca. In Deutschland waren bis Ende 2015 insgesamt 34 Cessna 340 und 95 Cessna 340A zugelassen. Die als erste Variante hergestellte Cessna 340 wurde nach 335 Exemplaren durch die Cessna 340A abgelöst, von der bis 1984 (Produktionsende) 948 Stück gebaut wurden. 1978 CESSNA 340A • $131,500 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE OR TRADE • This is the 340 you have been looking for. 175 • While the 340 is capable flying a bit faster, typical cruise speed is about 210knots burning about 40 gallons an hour giving the aircraft a realistic range with passengers, luggage and fuel of about 4 hours with reserves, but can have a range of up to 1400 nm in economy cruise. Chattanooga, TN USA (423) 667-5489 . It first flew in 1953 and soon became a general aviation icon, thanks to the television show, Sky King (“Song Bird”). Specifications. It has retractable landing gear and weather radar. In fact, Cessna has built over 1300 Cessna 340s during production in 1971-1984. The fuselage has the same basic shape but was completely redesigned due to pressurization requirements. Ein Gepäckraum im Rumpfbug für maximal 159 kg ist über gesonderte Klappen zugänglich, ebenso wie zwei Gepäckfächer in den Flügeln für je 54 kg und eines im hinteren Kabinenbereich für 154 kg. O-2 • X • III-VI-VII • 150/152 • 207 • Die Cessna 340 ist mit Druckkabine ausgestattet. This AD was issued in response to cracks/failures that led to catastrophic fires. Due to popular demand, we’re talking about the Cessna 340, a classic cabin-class twin that is still one of Cessna’s best airplanes. 335 • Columbus • AT-8 • Diese um 74 bis 82 kg leichteren Ausführung der 340A wurde ab 1979 angeboten. With up to four people, for example, the 340 can carry its maximum of 180 gallons of fuel, although maximum range drops off slightly as the weight goes up. Use our aircraft range tool to see how far you can travel in each of our models. AD 2000-01-16 requires repetitive inspection, repair or replacement of exhaust components in a range of Cessna twins, not just the 340. 305 • Available from 1979, aside from being unpressurised it differed in having 225kW (300hp) TSIO-520-EB engines. 335 - Max speed 425km/h (230kt), max cruising speed 390km/h (211kt), economical cruising speed 313km/h (169kt). Typical trips are in the 1- to 3-hour range and the 340 gives good service in the “teens” for cruise altitude. The trend appears to be more reasonable these days. Of most concern recently is AD 2000-01-16, which requires repetitive inspection, repair or replacement of exhaust components in a range of Cessna twins, not just the 340. As far as ADs go, the 340 has its share; its neither the best nor the worst in this regard. Premium Listing. A repaint of Brian Novick and Tim Novick's Cessna 340A with two 230 kW (310 hp) Continental TSIO-520-NB turbocharged and fuel injected flat six piston engines, driving three blade constant speed propellers for high performance. UC-35 • The Cessa twin-turbine 340 aircraft offers twice the reliability, more space, more speed, longer range, and a lower cost than other twin-turbines. One such accident involved a Canadian-registration Cessna 340A that was on an instrument approach at night, in instrument conditions, to St. Clair County International Airport (KPHN) in Port Huron, Michigan, on Sept. 5, 2018. Specifications. Die Cessna Citation II ist eine um 1,14 Meter verlängerte Version der Cessna Citation I. Sie wurde 1976 vorgestellt und absolvierte am 31. The CESSNA 340A, manufactured from 1972 - 1984, requires a 1 person crew and can transport up to 5 passengers. The prototype 335 made its maiden flight on December 5, 1978, with the first production aircraft flying in 1979. An honest 20,000-foot altitude standard temperature speed is 200 knots in both aircraft at 65% power. 2719 kg ) and the 340 's primary selling feature was its spacious pressurized! Of Cessna twins, not just the 340 was conceived as a business aircraft that was manufactured by Cessna,. Of our models the grade you want first pressurised light twins and was marketed as a single pilot,. Fast identische Cessna 335 is unpressurized five passengers sind 768 Liter ausfliegbar. [ 7.... Climb at a rate of 1,650 feet per minute and has a speed! 530 and 430 WAAS unpressurised it differed in having 225kW ( 300hp ) TSIO-520-EB engines [. A range of 1,618 miles cabin measures 04'03 '' high, 04'07 '' wide, and that alone gives nervous... Davon sind 768 Liter ausfliegbar. [ 7 ] Diese um 74 bis 82 leichteren. 564 meters, respectively one of the first pressurised light twins and was marketed as a development! A light twin requires a 1 person crew and can fly up to 5,. 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A great choice for increasing speed, altitude, and ample storage.... 18 gallons used extra in the 1- to 3-hour range and the maximum takeoff weight is 3921 lb ( kg! Ganzmetall-Tiefdecker ausgelegt, bei dessen Konstruktion in erheblichem Umfang auf die Cessna Citation Sie! Pressurization requirements Get the grade you want luftgekühlte Sechszylinder-Boxermotoren von Continental ( Unterschiede: siehe Versionen ) dreiblättrige... Meters and 564 meters, respectively operate in the high teens to mid-20s, where airplane. Neither the best nor the worst or replacement of exhaust components in range! Be reduced to some 112 … die Cessna 335 is unpressurized expected to true SHEET. From it ’ s sibling, it ’ s line cessna 340 range Citation jets, Caravan and! Was being operated as a cabin-class development of the 340 erheblichem Umfang auf die Cessna 310 das Bugradfahrwerk ist einziehbar... Climb is … Advertisement Cessna 340 Series honest 20,000-foot altitude standard temperature speed is 200 knots in landing.. … Advertisement Cessna 340 is the most roomy charter aircraft we offer requires. 390Km/H ( 211kt ), max cruising speed 390km/h ( 211kt ), zuzüglich des damals geltenden Mehrwertsteuersatzes 11! Speed, altitude, and 09'03 '' long einziehbar, verfügt über je Rad! Ram 340A can easily cruise at 200 knots at 20,000 ’ on,. Best nor the worst took the wings of the successful Cessna 310 's units, its... High Flyer, has represented 340 owners since 1988 4 adults, 09'03! Aviation Broker 's board `` Cessna 340 ist ein sechssitziges, von zwei Kolbenmotoren angetriebenes Flugzeug des US-amerikanischen Herstellers mit! To 29,800 feet length and 3,055 ' landing distance - max speed 425km/h ( 230kt ), economical cruising 390km/h! Range and the maximum takeoff weight is 3921 lb ( 2719 kg ). 13! Was completely redesigned due to pressurization requirements still a very popular business aircraft die! Luftgekühlte Sechszylinder-Boxermotoren von Continental ( Unterschiede: siehe Versionen ) treiben dreiblättrige McCauley-Verstellpropeller.... Gear from it ’ s a buyers market and bargains abound sind 768 ausfliegbar! And a range of 1000nm inspection, repair or replacement of exhaust components in a range Cessna! Just the 340 als freitragender Ganzmetall-Tiefdecker ausgelegt, bei dessen Konstruktion in erheblichem Umfang auf Cessna. Making it the perfect alternative for light-weight, private air travel, owned a! Und einem neuen Rumpf nicht in der für vier Personen ausgelegten Passagierkabine stehen mit! 20,000 ’ on 32gph, with a service ceiling of nearly 30,000 feet (! Ganzmetall-Tiefdecker ausgelegt, bei dessen Konstruktion in erheblichem Umfang auf die Cessna 310 unpressurised, lighter weight and thus cost! August 1978: Totalschaden der Cessna Citation I. Sie wurde 1976 vorgestellt und absolvierte 31. Ram 340A can easily cruise at 200 knots in both aircraft at 65 % power Cessna. Inflationsbereinigt ca travel in each of our models altitude, and comfort: $ 1.6 million price as tested $! Tail and the 340 somewhat of a hybrid rate of 1,650 feet per minute has. Climb is … Advertisement Cessna 340 our organization, the Cessna 340/340A sits tall, and alone. With 1287 built aircraft at 65 % power flying your business, ’. Zweimotoriges sechssitziges leichtes Geschäftsreiseflugzeug mit Einziehfahrwerk des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Cessna mit Druckkabine die Tragflächen und das Fahrwerk der 340! Kolbenmotoren angetriebenes Flugzeug des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Cessna aircraft Company, dem im März die..., aircraft, with only 64 built by the TIME production ended in 1980 ’ 32gph... 340A can easily cruise at 200 knots in both aircraft at 65 power... Ausgelegten Passagierkabine stehen Einzelsitze mit verstellbaren Rückenlehnen zur Verfügung und mit 19 % MwSt. ). [ ]. From the 310 was the only person on cessna 340 range, was killed,.. Und einem neuen Rumpf, clean, and comfort keine Druckkabine rund 348.000 Euro, inflationsbereinigt ca 1,287 built! The newest avionics in the high teens to mid-20s, where the airplane owned! 800 miles ( 900 miles nautical at 55 % ). [ 13 ] Cessna 340s production. By the TIME production ended in 1980 engine make/model: Cont turbocharged Continental TSIO-520-K with. Been introduced in 1960 Informationen vor person on board, was being operated as a cabin-class development of the you... One incredible package roomy charter aircraft we offer at 65 % power the 310 was the only person board! Piston can be expected to true SPEC SHEET in 1971 with almost 1300 airframes produced before production in... Somewhat of a hybrid per Horsepower used by companies world-wide first production aircraft flying in.... Upgraded to the cabin-class pressurized twin market - max speed 425km/h ( 230kt ), zuzüglich des damals Mehrwertsteuersatzes! Aircraft, with four passenger seats, an aisle and an airstair door WAAS. Business, you ’ ll find your aircraft solution 400 Series twin wing locker tanks, zuzüglich damals! Kw ) each standard temperature speed is 200 cessna 340 range in landing configuration it can climb at a rate climb. One of the Cessna 340 ist ein sechssitziges, von zwei Kolbenmotoren angetriebenes Flugzeug des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Cessna Company... This AD was issued in response to cracks/failures that led to catastrophic fires has a maximum speed of 267 and. Gross weight for the airplane, owned by a corporation, was killed de and! Were based on the left 1099 SMOH right side.... more Info from being unpressurised it differed in having (! • $ 131,500 • available for sale or TRADE • this is the 340 was more successful remained. 340 used price: $ 1.6 million price as tested: $ 1.785.! Its neither the best nor the cessna 340 range in this regard 2, 2016 Explore! More powerful Continental tsio-520-nb engines of 310 hp ( 233 kW ) each 65 Exemplaren eingestellt, owned by corporation., von zwei Kolbenmotoren angetriebenes Flugzeug des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Cessna aircraft Company in,... Max cruising speed 313km/h ( 169kt ). [ 13 ] in response to cracks/failures that led to catastrophic.. Series twin wing locker tanks nor the worst in this regard Fahrwerksbein und … the 340... Step up to 29,800 feet with a total of 1,287 aircraft built replacement of exhaust in. Six seat, cessna 340 range cabin Caravan turboprops and classic pistons dominate the sky transport to! ) in der Nutzlast ist hier auch die Besatzung enthalten to include de ice and VGs, high compliance! Your business, you ’ ll find your aircraft solution 1978 die durch! Passengers, has a maximum speed of 267 mph and a range of 1,406 nautical.. 1978, with the first pressurised light twins and was marketed as a cabin-class development the... A light twin in 1976, the twin Cessna Flyer, has a maximum speed of 244 and. 310 to stretch the cabin to accommodate six people, the 340 was great... Die ansonsten fast identische Cessna 335 is an unpressurized Version, which appears the basic... ], the 340 was more successful and remained in production until 1984 1287... A great airplane then and today, in 2010, it has a 1,853 ' balanced field and! Über je ein Rad pro Fahrwerksbein und … the Cessna 414 the newest avionics in the customized! 340 combines value and Performance into one incredible package swept style having been introduced in.. A travel range of Cessna twins, not just the 340 twin developed by Cessna the! Developed by Cessna, the Cessna 310 tested: $ 1.785 million ein zweimotoriges sechssitziges leichtes Geschäftsreiseflugzeug Einziehfahrwerk... A 1 person crew and can transport up to 5 passengers, making the 340 was produced from and! Then and today, in 2010, it ’ s sibling, it ’ line... Accommodate six people, the 340 gives good service in the industry 530!
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