how did you learn your first programming language

But this is one of them: Deciding on your first programming language can be a fun process — kind of like one of those “Which Quentin Tarantino character are you?” personality quizzes. It is also nearly as fast as high-performance languages like C++, Java, and Go. Whether you’re looking to begin coding as a hobby, a new career, or just to enhance your current role, the first thing you’ll have to do is decide which programming language you want to start with. Have any links for how to get started on coding a basic game with c++? We’ll probably search for something like: Few questions are so commonly asked that they get the full infographic treatment. It is not a profession that will go downhills once you hit a certain age. Come to think of it all these experience took years to build up and I'm really glad I started so I don't have to start now. The 1st impression you will get is: "It is hard. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. And it’s rapidly expanding into areas like game development and the Internet of Things. So I searched the app store (android) and found SoloLearn. And — as you can probably guess from the upside down text in my headline — that language should be JavaScript. We want to help, please make a good post and we will do our best to help you. People nowadays probably use javascript and HTML 5.0 to do the same with similar frameworks. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. Learn to focus. Beyond the issue of how to migrate from learning your first language to proficiency in that language, there are many languages to consider when you choose your first programming language. Python is intended for beginners as it is simpler to adapt even subsequent to being a high-level language. Damn program would iterate for days with out error..... Then, one day.. BOOM! If you have a choice of what language to learn first, and you don't have a desire to mod your favorite game or reverse engineer a neat effect you saw on a web page, these languages are worth a look: Learn to control and know your own pace. I started making a Cleaning application to do this for me. It feels like arriving in a void where I couldn't comprehend the concept any more. I had a few others at other jobs. Don't understand the concept of it. So you should consider the following factors: Every year brings new programming languages, and with them, new academic papers. I just had it gracefully skip the file and resume the loop while giving the user a message about double checking the files. We also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. If you are a beginner Python should be your first choice as a Programming language because it is easy to learn and understand. Before you invest in a paid course, try a few languages and focus on the one that feels fun to work with. Most programmers would agree that high-level scripting languages are relatively easy to learn. Oracle officially killed them off earlier this year. Here is the path I recommend you take to fast-track the process: 1) Start with targeted, interactive lessons — short sessions of introductory and passive learning. My first language was Python- in fact the book was titled Python the easy way. It can really elevate your perspective and your personal worth. This is where JavaScript really shines. Whether you consider them programming languages or not (technically HTML is a markup language and CSS is a style sheet language), you need to learn these, and you should be able to learn … Many aspects of developing, maintaining, and distributing mobile apps are easier with JavaScript. After a few weeks, I can understand the concept of it along with some part of it. Tried using ini files and registry to store configs. Python suffers from much the same problems: By contrast, here are some apps that members of our open source community built in their browsers on CodePen. And the corollary: never accept "it works but I don't know how or why". After a while I just started using the app to reinforce what I had learned and using it as a guide to practice(how accurately and fast can I understand the questions and answer). Simple as that, just write it yourself, and maybe add some of your own comments in it so you can go back to it and fully understand it. Then after almost 10 years Blender 2.5 came out and I began to learn Python with more meaningful and logical manner. Peroid. You can build basically anything with JavaScript, and share it anywhere. Seriously. Everything touches that big platform that is “the web.” And the next wave of devices that you’ll talk to around your home, and cars that pick your kids up from school — they’ll all be piped together using the web, too. To narrow it down a bit, here are the most common Google searches related to learning programming, over the past 12 years: Python has gradually risen to become the most popular choice. Never figured out a fix. My first programming language was C. When I started I really struggled with it, there was no 'motivation' as all the jargon mongers put it. But learning it made me realize that I knew next to nothing in terms of real object oriented programming, clean API design, and higher order mechanisms in code. Even when you write your own code, you can fall into the trap of blindly manipulating it until it seems to work, but you learn little when you do so. While there are so many programming languages to choose from, one should consider the history and stability of the language and its development environment. Fast forward another few weeks: ah... that was really basic...... After all these mumble jumble all I want to say is this: if you really enjoy programming, then you should just do it. If something does not work, break down your code to x parts, then check it one by one. Most developers just put checks in place to prevent them, and write tests accordingly. I read the book and typed out the lessons along the way. If it is still evolving, then it is possible that its language constructs may be refined and changed in its future versions. Watching youtube vids were good to help me stimulate my ideas and see how others approach certain things. I used my companies MSDN sub to get VB6 and started just coding and learning. :). So companies like Facebook and Google are investing heavily in better tools for building these using JavaScript. If you don’t have a job as a programmer and want to learn fast, focus on active learning with lots of practice. And yet another change is bound to… eventually… happen. Despite all the noise and nuanced opinions you’ll read about what your first programming language should be, the best answer these days is simple: Learn JavaScript . I Failed AGAIN half way because video games addiction and feeling completely burned out, for and while loop made no sense. The average JavaScript project receives twice as many pull requests as the average Java, Python, or Ruby project. Just like leggo. Nothing that felt as awesome as that first. JavaScript features several tools for making native mobile apps, such as. But if you're interested in turning this new knowledge into a full-time career, use the first language to learn how to think like a programmer and learn basic programming logic. Does it work on multiple platforms (Unix,Linux,Windows,Mac)? Not very interesting, but I played Roblox years ago and learned Lua. A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language. Spent about 4 weeks making this thing work in my down time just to save 1 hour of tedious work per night. That's the first time I realized how powerful it is to have technical computer knowledge. But actually no, you just did some really hard work. Practice makes you smart. Is the language fairly new and popular? One of the reason I started python was watching that AHourOfCode promo video. I’m not advocating JavaScript because I teach it. C or C++ are great for making super optimized command-line tools like aligners and variant-callers, but you will have a much easier time learning Python first and then going to these high-performance languages for a particular problem in the future, since they are harder to learn, more finicky, and take a lot more code to do the same thing. Whatever language you choose for your first programming language, good luck! My first "real" program was made to assist in my job. Learning PHP. Once you've made up your mind to learn JavaScript as your first programming language, Join iLoveCoding. That way, no matter what your first programming language, you can apply those skills towards learning a new one (maybe in as little as 21 minutes). Thing I tried to do was remember the syntax, and different constructs. 1. Inconsistent formatting, things done in 20 lines when they could have been done in 2, just overall bad coding practices. I signed up for MIT 6.00.1x because it was free and honestly I want to build some confidence by learning from one of the best CS school. Entry level helpdesk really. I later tried opencart and wordpress with shopping cart addons, it turns out to customize the way I wanted I need to know PHP or pay someone to do it for me. Don't stop at "okay if I just copy these 5 lines it works. Press J to jump to the feed. Get started, freeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (United States Federal Tax Identification Number: 82-0779546). Python is awesome for science and statistics. If you want to learn how to code, taking your first steps into this huge universe might seem like a ... to think about the reasons—the real reasons—why you want to learn a programming language. Well to be honest, i got to know the basics and concept in university. ", everyone pretty much said you know your multiplication tables and arithmetic and you are good to go. It's an easy trap to get into when following a tutorial, but by simply writing code you're forcing yourself to get an understanding of it. Note that no programming language will come to you overnight, it won't take a week, and it won't take a month, it takes a huge amount of time an dedication to learn a programming language. Java is important if you want to work at large tech companies. I was more or a graphics guy back then. So i started to suppliment the app training with the book and found it was a happy medium. To learn a programming language, consider starting out with a simpler language, like Python or Ruby, to introduce you to basic programming concepts. Don't get me started on the "Method '~' of object '~' failed” error. First off, good on you for getting into programming. Basically, the only thing we get done in the womb is learning to differentiate our parents' language from foreign languages. Most important sources of information to me are: official documentation pages (if something has them, read them), books, google and internet comes last. It would always fail to delete a file every so often. For example, TypeScript (a statically-typed superset of JavaScript) has more than 100 open source contributors, many of whom are Microsoft and Google employees being paid to work on it. Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. It only shows you step 5. Learning one of those languages well will give you the ability to learn all languages with far less resistance. There are 2.7 Java developers competing for every open Java position. A tutorial for beginners which focuses predominantly on the core language, and a reference for intermediate/advanced/professional use. I got into programming pretty young, so I couldn't think of anything better to do but make silly fighting games. Even got fancy and made a Start button that would minimize to the taskbar and sorta act like a half-assed "service" (this was Win95/2000 days). Thanks for the detailed reply, great motivation boost! As such, much of the demand for mobile app developers is concentrated in a few large employers. Oracle — who effectively owns Java through its acquisition of Sun Microsystems — often sues companies who try to expand upon it. Java is probably the best first programming language for the simple fact that the learning path is so well structured for you. Good thing Is my fear of failure in life was greater than my fear of failure at learning how to program. You won’t waste a lot of time memorizing the arcane syntax that other programming languages will present you. It wasnt really enough and it was dry (I maintain that book is a great resource though). (Note: I am not a programmer, just like to dabble and read. I 1st got into programming when I was in college (polytechnic). Avoid burn-outs. And then there’s the rest of us. And new web comics. Took another long break and found my current language, python. Now this is less a thing that I did which I thought helped a lot, but more something that I really hope you do. And that engine is JavaScript. If you tell me a bit about what you're learning / what you want to do I may be able to give you some ideas / challenges. It will take you hundreds of hours of practice to become even remotely competent with your first programming language. It is fun, sometimes it gets to you really hard (cos it does not work and you don't know why) but it is really rewarding. Learned basics of java in 2 semesters. Enter my VB6 knowledge from before. Look at other people's code, but not too often. Beating cancer is hard, living under $5 a day is hard, dealing with the loss of loved ones is hard. Then your second language will be much, much easier. Finish your projects. Because of JavaScript’s ubiquity, Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood coined his now-famous law: And with each passing month, Atwood’s Law holds strong. You will not be the 1st one to finish the assignment, but, in the long run you will write better and more complex code than others. JavaScript’s ecosystem also benefits from a heavy investment of money and engineering talent from companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Netflix. Persevere. Don't copy and paste. "The only way to write program is to understand the structure of it. Full documentation is available. "Which language is more superior,which text editor should you use, which framework is the best, front end devs are not devs etc". use an app to study from and suppliment with the book. If I failed to keep those D: drives clean, the machines would just stop working. I first tried to make a batch script to clean things up for me. That is when you need to have a gut-check and push through the pain. It is a general-purpose scripting language that is widely used for web development.. One of the distinctive features of PHP which makes it the best programming language to learn for some people is its compatibility with HTML code. Check out this gem from last month: When it comes to choosing a first programming language, there’s no shortage of options. I'm almost itching to drop C#/VB for Java because of the higher quality resources and lack of need to depend on the internet just to learn - revisiting them as #2/3 languages. I wanted to move from art and animation into programming, so I made Flash games with ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0. It’s vital to front-end web development and increasingly relevant for back-end development. So if anybody ever gives you a hard time for learning JavaScript instead of elite-language-of-the-week, just remember the famous words of the guy who created C++: I only write about programming and technology. At the time of writing, the Python language has gaine… Like what an int was or double/float. Less work for me to do! And the internet will have the answers. I did some research on easy programming languages to start with, and Python is pretty much the programming language that popped up the most, so after quite a bit of fretting about, I finnaly got it installed. Hope this helps, I'd love to give more detail if you're wondering about anything or have any questions. So here are some suggestions and method I would like to share with you. My first projects are some of the most disgusting things you'll ever see. Also, it’s worth pointing out that the mobile app development’s best days may very well be behind it. Computer is stupid." I've heard really experienced programmers said when he was a dev,on a typical day at work he codes for 4 hours (+ or -). I have only written a few programs that I could feel happy about. This time I did node.js, again with an e-commerce idea, I went through 70% of the course before I felt burn out again and stopped. Unless you are some coding genius. In order for your mobile app to actually do anything interesting, it will probably need a proper back end, which you’ll want to build with a proper web development framework, like Node.js + Express.js. Over the past two years, more than 5,000 people have used Free Code Camp to get their first developer job. Had no idea what I was doing. Before that i didn’t have interest in Python. You can click through and use these right in your browser: If you keep jumping from language to language, you won’t get far. Now Let us begin to analyze reason why C should be your first programming language. If you … In 2014, Python overtook Java as a the most popular language of instruction at top US Computer Science programs. JavaScript (Node.js) is orders of magnitude faster than Python, Ruby, and PHP. I watched a few tutorials on Java to get the basics down and after that, you can get as creative as you like! Use Codecademy to learn the basics of your first programming language. I teach JavaScript because it’s the surest path to a first developer job. I started the course there and found that it was not giving as much info as I would have liked and explaining the hows and whys of the way things work was not really present either. Culminated with a final team project of an abstract board game. Once you pick a language to begin learning how to program, be sure to read the article, Tools to Create and Develop Software , to learn about different software tools you can use to code more easily. If you absolutely must have static typing in your first programming language, then I still recommend you learn JavaScript first. Personally, I've learnt a lot more from my own projects than tutorials. Ever since the first computer programs were "written" on punch cards, computer programming has been defined by the programming language paradigm, a host of programming languages designed to serve specific needs and create particular kinds of software. Copy-pasted new one. Me myself had gone through these steps when programming (which language does not matter): Found a tutorial. I remembered I did fairly well (compare to my classmates) at our final exam. This rule applies to programming really well. It could be deleted via Explorer no problem. Usually it’s something like “Learn ______”. Universities have traditionally taught programming under the umbrella of computer science, which itself is often seen as an extension of mathematics, or tie-in to an electrical engineering degree. Programming, is not. Instead, most smartphone owners have stopped downloading new apps. As of 2016, pretty much all development is web development. It really pays off in the long run. I took a break and went back to a smaller website idea because my idea was too big to chew on. Compare this with a mere 8% of jobs that involve mobile app development. Learn to code — free 3,000-hour curriculum. The second time 10%, the third time 45% and finally late last year 93%. Well people love to hate on C++, too. Is it well supported with tutorials and documentation? But here’s the thing about JavaScript: even though it’s been around for 20 years, it only recently became a serious tool that companies like Netflix, Walmart, and PayPal would build entire applications around. But if you run into a problem, or simply don't know how to do something, then you know what you need to learn. PHP is another older language, first hitting the programming scene around the same time as Java in 1995. I started to try to make a normal but dynamic site with JavaScript. It gives you a sense of purpose. Add some timers to go through the list of PC Shares. There is no right answer, of course. Python is a perfect first language and it is useful and powerful language on its own. It's a lot of fun. Learning your first programming language now doesn’t seem so hard as learning a real-world language. At times, learning will be really frustrating and you'll only really be able to push through that if you're really into what you are making. please be as descriptive as possible i would really appreciate it im currently learning my first language and i think im making good progress and im interested on hearing other peoples way of learning a new/first language. Here is where things got interesting and I gained enlightnement on how to learn: books. Learning your first programming language now doesn’t seem so hard as learning a real-world language. The best way to get a hang of the basics is to use a free coding website like Codecademy, for example. I'm taking on C for work as I have a need to learn it but my plan is nearly the same. Ask why. For starters, as much as people use mobile apps, nearly half of all developer jobs are web development. Learn your first language and get a sense for basic programming tools like variables, functions, loops, and classes Write simple programs like text-only interactive games or scripts to automate boring tasks on your computer Read code from other people and try to understand what it does Really wold recommend you just write random programs on your own. Then you realised that there is a better way to do it. Even though I don't main computer science in college, I have to learn programming (C++) in my 1st year's curriculum. When I started to learn programming I did almost everything wrong. I'll talk to you in the comments. However, the school wanted to switch to something more practical. Being a cheapskate I tried to learn PHP on my own that ended with me completely frustrated, however its probably the most important moment of my life, I planted a seed. It is useful yes, but people have the tendency to teach people their way, which might be outdated, bad or wrong way. So they started teaching us… C++! Started with getting lists of files from the remote machines. Learning Programming Is … There is a lot of "noise" when it comes to programming. Because I still struggle with it. After following a few tutorials, I'd like to note that the way Python is designed is to emulate English, to make it easier to learn. And on top of this, JavaScript is growing faster than any other popular language. Because if you look at the languages actually used by the workforce, it paints a very different picture: More than half of all developers use JavaScript. Hard and easy are reaallllllyyyy subjective thing. As of 2016, many universities still treat programming like it’s computer science, and computer science like it’s math. Traditionally, the first program you teach a new coder is how to print the text “Hello, World!” New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the learnprogramming community. But never with my program. This was the first! Other times he review old code, debugging, do conference meeting with his boss and his clients. Simple text manipulation and upload to SFTP and some XML work. I felt like I was the only person who didn't program before. To all the other curious mind that stumble upon this comment I just want you to know I started with high school math maybe less, english is my second language, I was 25 years old when I first started to get serious. The first language I ever learned was Pascal. If you’re learning to program purely out of intellectual curiosity, feel free to skip this factor. C++! Regardless of the programming language you want to learn, use online tutorials to guide you when you're first getting started. I’m arguing that first they should learn one language well. Live seminar from 10:00 AM (Sunday, 6 Aug 2017) on How to learn your first programming language? vast majority of people learning to program, what projects you can build while you’re learning (and share with friends so you can stay motivated), I’m not arguing that any one language is objectively better than any other, I agree that developers should eventually learn more than one language. I think depends on where are you gonna learn programming, if you are learning it yourself, 1-2 hours every day can make a huge difference. My dad gave me a copy of VB 5 (maybe 6) when I was 12 or so. If you absolutely must have static typing in your first programming language, then I still recommend you learn JavaScript first. Oracle sells these. Most people’s journey toward learning to program starts with a single late-night Google search. It is very much a sellers’ market for developers with JavaScript skills. That was sadly the most influential program that I ever wrote. Then start deleting anything older than XX days. You will undoubtedly hear people crack jokes at its expense. The First Programming Language You Learn? How did you learn your first programming language. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. No matter what programming language you choose first, it will be challenging initially. Early programming languages were highly specialized, relying on mathematical notation and similarly obscure syntax. Competition for PHP and iOS jobs is similarly fierce. The only reason I did better than others was that I spent a lot of times in library alone reading references books about it. ? I modified others code. I wish I had gone that route in the beginning. Let’s explore those factors I mentioned earlier. If you write down these rules using slightly fancy language, you would call that the specification of your language and have a very good claim to have created a programming language. Before I talk about these programming languages, let me clarify: Let’s kick things off by exploring how programming is currently taught in school. I began studying C++, and it made me truly realize the beauty of well written books as a source of information, be it any subject. was messy for years. From there, you can branch out, and become a more well-rounded developer by learning lots of languages: OK, now I’m going to attempt the impossible — I’m going to try and anticipate objections from the comments section. If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Do projects you're passionate about. C is a great way to learn how computers actually work in terms of memory management, and is useful in high-performance computing. iLoveCoding is the simplest, most effective path to front-end & full-stack development. Oh and study hard, study really, really hard. I’m going to give you the layout for the ideal way to learn your first programming language, and not just to learn it, but to become extremely comfortable and proficient in it, if not master it. Sun (now Oracle) have always had a full set of Java tutorials available for free, and the JDK comes with tons of Samples. In order to move beyond the basics, you need to learn your first language well. And department chairs generally stay the course, pointing to annual programming language leaderboards like the TIOBE Index, or this one from the IEEE: Most of these leaderboards look virtually identical to how they were 10 years ago. 2) Passion projects — spend the bulk of your emphasis on longer sessions of challenging, passion-driven side projects. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. But if you — like the vast majority of people learning to program — want to use this skill to get a job, this is an important consideration. Pinpoint the issue, then voila, you've already debugged your code. Then everyone in class thought they are not meant to do programming. But tucked away below these is the Little Engine That Could, slowly choo-choo’ing up in popularity over the past few years. Whether you’re looking to begin coding as a hobby, a new career, or just to enhance your current role, the first thing you’ll have to do is decide which programming language you want to start with. JavaScript is — for most practical purposes — as fast as high-performance languages. Start on a project. There’s a reason why 70% of introductory programming courses teach Python at US universities according to Tech Republic. But you can get into trouble. That is completely normal. (in Hindi) Very useful for students, 5 most effective tips. Sure — they still use apps. I started with HTML and CSS because I always wanted to open up an e-commerce store, I did make a half ass static website which isn't really user friendly to sell stuff and handle customer informations. Book and found SoloLearn the way 2 ) Passion projects — spend the bulk of your emphasis on longer of. Am ( Sunday, 6 Aug 2017 ) on how to learn how computers actually work my. 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