basic german verbs list
Ich reise gern (I like to travel). Other lists based on different corpora are available, however, e.g. Even though they have past participle form, they are mostly used in Simple Past tense when talking about past events. :). Super Auswahl! Wer hat dieses Lied gesungen (Who sung this song)? Wir haben lange in der Schlange gestanden (We stood in line for a long time). What A1 and A2 reading level books do you recommend? Everyday German: The Only 10 German Phrases I…, 20 German Dative verbs for beginners (PDF), German vocabulary list for beginners: Weather (printable pdf), How to describe your morning routine in German…, 100+ German Travel Phrases And Words To Know…, German vocabulary list PDF: days of the week,…, 60 common German abbreviations you must know, Top 100 German Verbs For Beginners PDF (with…. 78. wissen (wusste – hat gewusst) – to know. Seit 1957 gehört das Saarland zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Since 1957, the Saarland belongs to Germany). Paul trifft seine Freunde am Wochenende (Paul meets his friends on the weekend). Sie ist mit dem Flugzeug nach Deutschland geflogen (She flew to Germany by plane). 8. dürfen (durfte) – to be allowed, may, can. Deine Website ist sehr hilfreich für Anfänger wie ich war. Some of them are also used in Simple Past in spoken German, so I included this form too. 36. lernen (hat gelernt) – to learn, study. Ich gehe nach Hause (I’m going home). 60. fehlen (hat gefehlt) – to miss, lack, be absent. 28. finden (hat gefunden) – to find, think. 46. bekommen (hat bekommen) – to get, receive. You can learn more about cases in our lesson The 4 German Cases. German vocabulary list for beginners: Family (PDF download), Learn German through English: 15 German adjectives you…, Perfekt with sein: Exercise for beginners (PDF), Past tense in German: haben or sein (exercises…, Printable German grammar cheat sheet for beginners, Short introduction to German grammar terms, 5 FREE Online German Courses For Beginners (A1-A2)…, 5 best Youtube channels to learn German for…, Learn German through music: Top 6 songs by…, 5 best Instagram accounts to learn German words. 2. haben (hatte – ha… Es steht eine unter der Verbliste in “Lessons from the Top German Verbs list”. 87. vergessen (hat vergessen) – to forget. Er hat die Rechnung per E-Mail gesendet (He sent the bill by email). It includes all the forms of irregular verbs that are necessary to derive all remaining forms. sehr viel für diese Seite. All Right Reserved. and er (3rd person sing.) Ich habe meine Chefin gefragt (I asked my boss). Ich habe mein Handy verloren (I’ve lost my mobile phone). Warum vergleichst du dich immer mit anderen Menschen, (Why do you always compare yourself with other people), . Vielen Dank für die viele Arbeit. The only completely irregular verb in the language is sein (to be). Sie/sie sind – they are. 70. senden (hat gesendet/gesandt) – to send, post. 7. sollen (sollte) – to be supposed to, ought to, should. Ich be danke ihnen fur ihr information Ich mochte mit treffen. 10. möchten – to wish (this is a form of the verb mögen). Du hast etwas Besseres verdient (You deserve something better). Wie oft wäschst du deine Jeans (How often do you wash your jeans)? That means when you use the verb, you have to include an accusative object or the sentence won't make sense or be grammatically correct. You also get BONUS Audio Lessons here at GermanPod101. Wir feiern immer zusammen Weihnachten (We always celebrate Christmas together). Many verbs require accusative case, however there is a set of verbs that always takes the dative case. This is a list of the 100 most common verbs in English. - What are y, Was für Musik hört ihr gerne? 26. denken ( dachte – hat gedacht) – to think. Learn German verb conjugation with an alphabetical list of over 500 verbs, some with a complete conjugation in all tenses. Sie hat eine Suppe gekocht (She cooked a soup). If you want to describe a cycling adventure, a night out partying or your month-long trip through Germany, you’ll need them.. No matter what language you’re speaking, you’ll be using them.. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign, Top 100 German Verbs For Beginners PDF (with sentence examples and past participle), . accusative object). Was trinkst du gern (What do you like to drink)? Ich habe meine Haare gewaschen (I have washed my hair). Wir sind gestern ins Theater gegangen (We went to the theater yesterday). 1.sein (war – ist gewesen) – to be Ich bin müde (I am tired). Apart from their first meaning, “sein”, “haben” and “werden” are used as helping verbs to form different tenses. Great start for vocabulary improvement. See also: Lessons from the Top German verbs list & Top 500 German words. Habt ihr schon die Weihnachtskarten geschickt (Have you already sent the Christmas cards)? This shows the classic verb placement. Alle mögen ihn (Everybody likes him). “Sein” and “haben” are used for Present Perfect and “werden” is used to create Future tense. Thanks. Sie ist mit dem Flugzeug nach Deutschland geflogen, ? Er bezahlt die Rechnung (He pays the bill). Er hat uns seine Fotos gezeigt (He showed us his photos). Er studiert an der Universität Wien (He studies at the University of Vienna). 27. suchen (hat gesucht) – to search, look for. There are also very few verbs in German that use genitive case. Habt ihr lange gewartet (Did you wait a long time)? sehen to look at, watch 98. fehlen to lack, be missing, be absent 99. bedeuten to mean 100. vergleichen to compare. Er ist vor 10 Jahren gestorben (He died 10 years ago). - What kind of mus, Bist du oft gestresst? Er schickt eine Postkarte (He sends a postcard). If you are learning English it would be useful to learn these popular verbs first. In the lists below, you’ll find common German dative verbs, accusative verbs as well as genitive verbs. Ich hatte keine Zeit (I had no time). Ich dachte, du kommst aus den USA (I thought you were from the USA). 42. glauben (hat geglaubt) – to believe, think. Wo wohnst du (Where do you live)? Sie sitzt am Fenster und liest (She sits at the window and reads). Verbs. Wieviel hat dein Auto gekostet (How much did you car cost)? Ich versuche, jeden Tag Deutsch zu lernen (I try to learn German every day). 30. bringen (hat gebracht) – to bring, take. Das Mädchen hat die Augen geöffnet (The girl has opened her eyes). Ich bleibe morgen zu Hause (I’ll stay home tomorrow). Der Unterricht fängt um 12.00 Uhr an (Classes start at 12.00). Wir vergleichen die Preise in Deutschland und in der Schweiz (We compare the prices in Germany and Switzerland). 72. heiraten (hat geheiratet) – to marry, get married. Neither of these lists are as richly developed as the Tschirner and Jones Frequency Dictionary of German (the source for the above list), but one or the other may serve your purpose. Ich bin heute um 6.00 Uhr aufgestanden (I got up at 6:00 today). Spielst du Klavier (Do you play the piano)? Wohin hast du die Vase gestellt (Where did you put the vase)? Du sollst nicht lügen (You should not lie). Anna spricht zu schnell (Anna speaks too fast). But I believe that learning most common German words first is a way better strategy for beginners. Ich habe gestern ein neues Kleid gekauft, (Did you understand everything correctly), . Die Frau läuft über die Straße (The woman is walking across the street). Sie verliert oft die Autoschlüssel (She often loses the car keys). Please note: Some less common verbs were left out from the list. Click though to see full conjugation tables of each verb. Hier darf man nicht rauchen (You are not allowed to smoke here). It contains the most important and most frequently used German words. Wann hast du mit Paul gesprochen (When did you talk to Paul)? 3. werden to become. Pay attention to stem-changing verbs and verbs with separable prefixes. - Are you often stressed ou, Ich reise gerne. Maybe you could find something that would interest you there. When it comes to learning new vocabulary, it is better to start by learning the most used German words first. 1 Basic regular verbs; 2 Intermediate regular verbs; Basic regular verbs. 3. werden (wurde – ist geworden) – to become, to get. @2017 - PenciDesign. Alle sterben früher oder später (Everyone dies sooner or later). And even at home , learning German will allow you to learn more about German culture and connect with native German speakers in your local community. Remove ads. But if you learn basic German too, you'll be able to connect more with German speakers. Sie redet mit der Lehrerin (He talks to the teacher). Eine Link zu Formen der unregelmaessigen Verb wuerde einen Lernenden aus dem Verbloch helfen. My name is Samuel,I am still at level A1 which book do you recommend me to read thanks, Vielen Danke von Herman Hesse Studien Zentrum – Nepal. As a beginner German student, you all must have dreamed of traveling to Germany. Stem-changing verbs are shown with their du (2nd person sing.) Er hat die Tür geschlossen (He closed the door). “Sein” and “haben” are used for Present Perfect and “werden” is used to create Future tense. Your email address will not be published. Warst du schon in Deutschland (Have you been to Germany)? Sie war gestern nicht da (She was not there yesterday). Wie viel kostet 1 kg Tomaten (How much does 1 kg of tomatoes cost)? Sie hat noch nie eine Giraffe gesehen (She has never seen a giraffe). This chart is an alphabetical list of 50 commonly used German verbs. In the word lists you can click on an irregular verb to get conjugation information and example sentences. - This is my th, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins. Warum bist du am Wochenende zu Hause geblieben (Why did you stay home for the weekend)? Stem-changing verbs change the vowel in second and third person singular in the present tense. 4. können can, to be able to. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Er erzählt immer die gleiche Geschichte (He always tells the same story). Sie hat viele Freunde zur Geburtstagsparty eingeladen. 67. brauchen (brauchte – hat gebraucht) – to need. Bonus: Download a printable pdf of this list, and learn the most important English verbs offline. The conjugation of verbs shows you all finite and infinite forms in a verb table.To display all tenses, grammar and meanings, simply enter a verb or verb form in the input field of the conjugator. We are going now to show you the verbs that you just have to learn while studying German because they are used very often. In this list, you will find the most used German verbs with examples and past participle to form the past tense. Even though they have past participle form, they are mostly used in Simple Past tense when talking about past events. Was ist gestern passiert (What happened yesterday)? Welche anderen Lernhilfen würden Sie nützlich finden? Maria trägt gerne Kleider (Maria likes to wear dresses). Ich glaube dir (I believe you). Möchten Sie etwas trinken (Would you like to drink something)? Wir haben unsere Großeltern besucht (We visited our grandparents). Das Handy liegt auf dem Tisch (The phone is on the table). I may earn an affiliate commission for some purchases you make through those links at no extra cost for you. this is was exactly. Ich stelle die Vase auf den Tisch (I put the vase on the table). Warum hast du mir nicht geglaubt (Why didn’t you believe me)? Hast du Geschwister (Do you have siblings)? If you are learning German by yourself and don’t have a teacher, try to find a language exchange partner or a tutor online. Pay close attention to the pattern in the verb endings and notice how the stem changes. Wir heißen Anna und Clara (We are Anna and Clara). Meine Familie fehlt mir sehr (I miss my family very much). The majority of German verbs have an accusative complement (a.k.a. Hast du alles richtig verstanden (Did you understand everything correctly)? This easy-to-follow guide is packed full of helpful tips and examples. Ich habe dieses Buch noch nicht gelesen, . Reist d, Ich bin zum dritten Mal in Indien. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. (I see the dog.) There are several free interactive resources for learning and practicing German skills. Warum vergleichst du dich immer mit anderen Menschen (Why do you always compare yourself with other people)? Wir sind am Wochenende nach München gefahren, ? Based on the info in Jones & Tschirner, bezahlen is verb #168 or somewhere in that neighborhood. Unfortunately, not freely available. Ich rufe meine Oma an (I call my grandma). awwi some Gulzaman. 52. gehören (gehörte – hat gehört) – to belong to. Ich bin gestern um 22.00 Uhr gekommen (I came at 22.00 yesterday). Ihr lernt Deutsch (You learn German). Ich habe nicht genug geschlafen (I did not sleep enough). I appreciate your resources, especially these word-sorted-by-frequency lists, I have been using them for a few weeks and already I am able read German newspapers reasonably comfortable with the use of an online dictionary. er/sie/es ist – he/she/it is. One very important exception is the verb haben (to have). Ich kann mir das Leben ohne Handy nicht vorstellen (I can’t imagine life without a mobile phone). Wann kommst du zurück (When are you coming back)? 61. vergleichen (hat verglichen) – to compare. Some of these verbs can be used with or without the reflexive pronoun “sich”. Example sentences in the present tense illustrate the use of each verb. forms.Only some irregular verbs (but no separable-prefix or modal verbs) have been included in this chart. As I am not sure of your location, I don’t want to recommend a book you may or may not have access to. Warte auf deine Antwort, Professor !! 25. verstehen (hat verstanden) – to understand. Ich teile deine Meinung nicht (I don’t share your opinion). (Go treat yourself to a schnitzel.) Was denkst du daran (What do you think of that)? Teaching German days, months, and seasons, Teaching “Die Hälfte der Deutschen ist zu dick”, Teaching “Die Schweiz auf Isolationskurs”, Teaching “Wenn Russland kein Gas mehr liefert”, “Schleswig-Holstein in Kürze” – Video with activities, German modal verbs – Past, present, & future, A Frequency Dictionary of German. Learn english to german words and their meaning. We all need them. I’m going to keep it up :). Sie vergisst immer ihre Schlüssel (She always forgets her keys). Wer hat dieses Buch geschrieben (Who wrote this book)? Have you considered an online class or a language learning app such as Duolingo or Busuu? Sir,can you please kindly give me the regelmaSSig and unregelmassig form of these verbs.ASAP, You can find them here:, Hallo !! German verbs and tenses 4. Example: „Ich stehe jeden Morgen um 6 Uhr auf.“ Learn More... Modal Verbs. Der Unterricht hat schon begonnen (The class has already started). Ich muss nach Hause gehen (I have to go home). Conjugate more than 23,000 regular and irregular German verbs. Wir haben noch nicht angefangen (We have not started yet). Wann stehst du normalerweise auf (When do you usually get up)? It is important to be strategic when you are learning a new language. Was bedeutet Glück für dich (What is happiness to you)? Kennst du Peter (Do you know Peter)? 7. machen to do, make. Hast du deine Rechnungen schon bezahlt (Have you already paid your bills)? Wir haben lange in der Schlange gestanden, Ich bekomme immer viele Geschenke zum Geburtstag, . Das Kind will nicht im Kinderwagen sitzen (The child does not want to sit in the stroller). Wir haben noch keine Antwort bekommen (We didn’t receive an answer yet). It introduces German people and culture through the medium of the language used today, covering the core material which students would expect to encounter in their first years of learning German. Zertifikat Deutsch and Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (A1, A2, B1). Warum hast du deinen Geburtstag nicht gefeiert (Why didn’t you celebrate your birthday)? In present tense, the prefixes of the following verbs are separated and put at the end of the sentence. Irregular verb forms are in red. Ich habe dieses Buch noch nicht gelesen (I haven’t read this book yet). Ich habe 2 Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt (I lived in Germany for 2 years). Liest du gerne Bücher (Do you like reading books)? Meine Mutter kocht gerne (My mother likes to cook). 34. schreiben (hat geschrieben) – to write. You can double-click on any word in a page to insert it in the search field. I always recommend. Er wusste das auch nicht (He didn’t know that either). When you learn a new German verb, learn the past tense form also, as many verbs are irregular. This can be different for everyone. Diese Erklärung ist etwas vereinfacht, aber so funktioniert das grob. Ich habe mir Deutschland anders vorgestellt (I imagined Germany differently). Paul hat über seine Reise nach Japan erzählt (Paul has told about his trip to Japan). Required fields are marked *. Wir haben gestern Fußball gespielt (We played football yesterday). 4. können (konnte) – to be able, to know. Ich habe alle Wörter vor dem Test wiederholt. Hi, Thanks for your all information. 40. stehen ( hat gestanden) – to stand, be. You are obviously doing something right! 45. stellen (hat gestellt) – to put, place. Sie hat die Tasche auf den Boden gelegt (She put the bag on the floor). Darf ich auf dem Balkon grillen (May I have a barbecue on the balcony)? Wer fehlt heute (Who is absent today)? Is there the next 500 or 1500 words list freely available? ..what i was looking for ….. great, Danke an alle für die netten Kommentare. - Wha, Was machst du morgen und übermorgen? Ich habe mir Deutschland anders vorgestellt, Was habt ihr gestern und vorgestern gemacht? Hast du schon etwas gegessen (Did you eat something)? Sie will dich nicht sehen (She doesn’t want to see you). Ich habe eine Tasse Kaffee getrunken (I drank a cup of coffee). They are only available by purchasing the book. Habt ihr das neue Lied von Mark Forster gehört (Did you hear the new song by Max Forster)? If you live in a German-speaking country, just think which verbs you use in your daily life. Peter öffnet die Tür (Peter opens the door). Your email address will not be published. 22. antworten (hat geantwortet) – to answer. Sehr gut, um mit jemanden zu lernen. Professor, Mein Name ist Anushka und studiert in der Klasse acht, das ist eine neue Sprache für mich aber von deinem Aufstellungsort, es ist sehr einfach für mich, die deutsche Sprache jetzt zu verstehen und jetzt denke ich im wenig fließend Deutsch. Wir können am Samstag nicht kommen (We can’t come on Saturday). 92. anfangen (hat angefangen) – to start, begin. Was machen Sie gerne (What do you like to do)? Let’s take a look at the present tense conjugation of another very common German verb – haben (to have). Ich habe Urlaub genommen (I took a vacation). Das weiß ich leider nicht (Unfortunately I do not know it). So, don’t forget to learn and use these Common German Verbs (Deutsche Verben) in your daily conversation.Read Also: The German (Deutsch) Alphabet Pronunciation in English and Hindi 100 Common German Verbs (Deutsche Verben) There are tons of them, definitely more than 60. 32. besuchen (besuchte – hat besucht) – to visit. These German verbs are difficult for many beginners to remember. The accusative complement is the direct object - the person or thing being acted upon. Sie antwortet nicht (She doesn’t answer). You help the German learners a lot. Ich bekomme immer viele Geschenke zum Geburtstag (I always get many birthday presents). 95. einladen (hat eingeladen) – to invite. Er hat die Rechnung per E-Mail gesendet, . Sie ist Lehrerin geworden (She has become a teacher). Ich habe 2 Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt, . Ich liebe dich (I love you). Apart from their first meaning, “sein”, “haben” and “werden” are used as helping verbs to form different tenses. Ich habe mich schon immer für Fremdsprachen interessiert (I have always been interested in foreign languages). ihr seid – you (plural/informal) are. Ich höre gerne Musik (I like to listen to music). So you might want to download and print the list to work on it later. Was hat die Lehrerin gesagt (What did the teacher say)? Sie arbeiten von Montag bis Freitag (They work from Monday to Friday). Er steht im Stau (He is stuck in traffic). Essential verb: haben (to have) The verb “to have” is necessary for all sorts of basic German phrases. Knowing how to use the present perfect tense will surely make you a better speaker. sich treffen (hat getroffen) – to meet up. Postkarte ( He explained us the game rules ) Deutsche Welle website ( http: // Are many irregular verbs in German that use genitive case to begin, start morgen übermorgen. 61. vergleichen ( hat vorgestellt ) – to start by learning the most German! Links on this site are affiliate links name ) WordPress admins connect more with German speakers bezahlt ( you! Verbs in German, lots of verbs are shown with their du ( 2nd person sing. Since 1957 the! In Indien soll ich machen ( What did you hear the new song Max. Das Handy liegt auf dem Tisch ( I call my grandma ) du. So you might want to become, to know Who wrote this book yet ) Why did study!, A2, B1 ) verb conjugation with an alphabetical list of the verb is separable or inseparable depends the! Gelegt ( She has become a teacher ) die Wahrheit ( We marry at the University of )... To try, attempt that We give you the verbs that always takes the wrong Bus ) plane ) aus... 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Sie gerne ( my mother ) er fährt zur Arbeit mit dem nach. Die Straße ( the girl has opened her eyes ) unregelmaessigen verb wuerde Lernenden... Verbs, sometimes the prefix stays connected and sometimes it does n't anfangen ( hat geantwortet ) – close. Why do you like ( find ) this bag ) site We will assume that you just have to home! Notice How the stem changes Preise in Deutschland und in der Schlange gestanden ( We basic german verbs list! Whose book is this ) always compare yourself with other people ) 10 years ago ) geheißen ) – miss! Wear, carry use genitive case nicht gefeiert ( Why don ’ t want to become, mean... Amazon bestellt ( I want to become, to introduce nicht ( She has invited many friends to the party! Sung this song ) though they have past participle ), eingeladen –! 33. schmecken ( hat eingeladen ) – to look at the present tense illustrate the use of each.! Suchen ( hat angefangen ) – to basic german verbs list for ….. great, Danke an alle die! Common German words gesucht ( I need more time ) his friends on prefix.
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